Empty-Handed Ariadne

Time has been compressed
into a knot,
which holds within it labyrinths
tangled up in spools of thought –
And where in all of this is Ariadne?
– who the Minotaur ?

Ah, she has undressed…
wise this time around,
she left behind all traces,
refusing to be sold or tricked or bought
– let Theseus gnash his teeth
and beat the ground…
(he will still go far.)

Naked and unbound,
She does not fear the monster,
nor the darkness of its many faces;
only her beating heart,
and the echoes of stale footfalls,
weighted with stony nostalgia,
which, uninvited, call….

Mezzo-soprano AddieRose Brown gave
a moving account... notable for its
poignancy and the loveliness of
Brown’s velvety lower range.”
— New York Classical Review


Opera On the James

The Telephone & The Opening | First Presbyterian Church
Lynchburg, VA

March 9, 3:30 PM

Hansel & Gretel | Touring around Lynchburg area
March 1 - 27